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Le secteur des services

La plupart des entreprises de services doivent répondre à l’accroissement rapide des exigences de leurs clients, tant sur la qualité de service que sur les prix. Elles assistent également à l’émergence de nouveaux acteurs souvent plus agiles. En conséquence, les sociétés de services sont amenées à repenser leur offre dans une perspective de différenciation et de personnalisation afin d’éviter la commoditisation et la perte du contact direct avec les clients. Dans ce contexte, les entreprises peuvent être appelées à opérer une transformation de leur modèle opérationnel et l’appui d’un cabinet de conseil en stratégie est un atout majeur.

Les défis auxquels le secteur des services doit faire face

La transformation digitale s’impose comme un axe d’investissement stratégique, voire comme une stratégie de survie dans le secteur des services B to C, non seulement en termes de technologie et de services mais aussi dans une perspective d’évolution des métiers et du capital humain de l’entreprise.

Sur le plan de la stratégie opérationnelle, les enjeux sont nombreux :

  • L’ajustement des offres et des capacités, en ligne avec les besoins du marché
  • La flexibilité opérationnelle et la création d’écosystèmes de partenaires en lien avec la stratégie de make or buy
  • L’optimisation de la masse salariale, qui représente souvent entre 60 % et 80 % des coûts d’exploitation
  • L’optimisation des processus et des relations avec les fournisseurs stratégiques
  • Le développement, la mutualisation et la diffusion d’expertise

La transformation digitale est un nouvel enjeu, à la fois business et opérationnel. Des pure-players digitaux apparaissent dans la plupart des services avec des business models en rupture. Même si ces nouveaux entrants ne sont pas encore une menace en raison de leur taille, leur capacité à prendre une part importante de la valeur est bien réelle. Les entreprises du secteur doivent donc appréhender le digital dans sa dimension client et business, d’une part, et sa dimension efficacité opérationnelle, d’autre part. Dans l’optique d’améliorer leur performance opérationnelle, les acteurs du secteur ont tout intérêt à s’appuyer sur un cabinet de conseil.

Ce que notre cabinet de conseil peut faire pour vous permettre relever les défis liés au secteur des services

Nous accompagnons les clients du secteur des services dans leur transformation, depuis l’évaluation des enjeux jusqu’à la mise en œuvre de l’ensemble des leviers de performance opérationnelle.

  • Soutenir la réflexion sur la stratégie digitale et lancer des PoCs (Proofs of Concept)
  • Revoir leur portefeuille d’offres selon les besoins du marché
  • Soutenir la stratégie de recentrage métier et l’externalisation/partenariat avec les fournisseurs-clés
  • Acquérir rapidement de nouvelles compétences
  • Renforcer la culture de service
  • Optimiser leur pyramide (masse salariale)
  • Développer des centres d’expertises
  • Transformer les processus de delivery
  • Utiliser des ressources locales
  • Optimiser les frais généraux et administratifs (SG&A) et la relation fournisseur
  • Maîtriser la transition digitale

Notre démarche

Notre cabinet de conseil en stratégie des opérations associe expertise technique, expérience opérationnelle et connaissances métier pour accompagner ses clients à résoudre les problèmes spécifiques au secteur des services et à obtenir des résultats durables. Notre démarche garantit l’adhésion à tous les niveaux de l’entreprise pour nos clients ainsi qu’un résultat pérenne. Nous avons accompagné un large éventail de clients dans le secteur des services tels que St John Ambulance, Europ Assistance, Communisis, Banque de France, GPT Group, Foncia, Elior Group, Suncorp, Crown Commercial Service et American Express. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.

Services : études de cas

Property and network design

property company

Property and network design

GPT is one of the largest owners, managers and developers of retail assets in Australia, with a portfolio of 13 high quality shopping centres. The company is a diversified property group and a top 50 ASX listed company. GPT owns and manages a AU$20 billion portfolio of offices, logistics, business parks and prime shopping centres across Australia.

GPT were looking to further invest in and divest logistics and supply chain sites within their portfolio across the eastern seaboard.


  • Review the eastern seaboard of Australia to determine where best to locate warehouses for storage and distribution
  • Provide a series of recommendations on which sites to keep and which to divest based on supply chain principles
  • Review infrastructure to identify areas that would be subject to impact from significant infrastructure work across the east
  • Map out key infrastructure issues and changes
  • Identified the best areas across Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne to procure warehousing sites
  • Identified sites yet to be developed that offered optimum access to ports, airports and highways
  • Cost of service calculated for each site for the most applicable businesses to the site, this identified potential customers for GPT


Supply chain strategy

health services provider

Supply chain strategy

St John is a volunteer-based organisation committed to saving lives. All earnings from paid programs (including First Aid training) go towards life-saving community programs, such as running free First Aid training courses for local school children, and providing St John volunteers and equipment at community events.

The company was looking for guidance to validate its current supply chain strategy. They required a robust evaluation of the existing options and a cost comparison and evaluation of the 3PL estimates currently used by St. John.

  • Evaluate the current supply chain cost base, conduct an assessment of the current supply chain strategy and review the costs used to estimate benefit
  • Provide an accurate facility size requirement for a consolidated Victorian distribution facility
  • Develop a warehouse performance model to validate headcount, working hours and other key activities
  • Identify quick wins to reduce cost and improve customer service


  • Consolidated the Victorian network from the existing five sites into a single site
  • Logistics operating costs reduced by 43%
  • Recommended safer DC work practices to be implemented
  • Developed a roadmap for St John to transition to an improved operational model

Robotic Process Automation

automotive assistance industry

Robotic Process Automation

With revenues of €1.9bn, EUROP ASSISTANCE is a global leader in the assistance industry, providing services worldwide in automotive, travel and personal assistance.

With the aim to increase efficiency of its administrative processes, the company explored the lever of Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

  • Bring expertise in process optimisation and automation with a focus on RPA
  • Conduct a workshop with managers to identify functional areas where RPA would deliver value
  • Review administrative processes (e.g. claims management, supplier management, client management)
  • Assess the potential for RPA according to criteria like ease of implementation and benefits
  • Propose an action plan to unleash the benefits of RPA
  • Increase of the awareness of managers regarding the RPA lever (RPA demo, on boarding on RPA methodology, lessons learnt)
  • Validated list of tasks to automate through RPA based on in depth analysis
  • Designed the RPA business case highlighting costs, benefits and ROI of automation
  • Developed the action plan

Logistics network review

direct channel customer communications

Logistics network review

The Campaign Fulfilment Division of Communisis offers delivery via direct channels of customer and brand communications from a network of focused print centres and DCs in the UK. As well as these print services, the company also offers a co-packing service for Bacardi.

The warehouse network has grown via acquisition, with minimal standardisation and integration. With the lease on one of the key sites up for renewal, Communisis asked us to undertake a review of capacity requirements and how overall operating efficiency could be improved.

  • Build a clear picture of costs, flows, storage requirements and activity by facility
  • Identify the capacity required in the network, and feasibility to close one warehouse and absorb the activities in the network
  • Identify quick win opportunities to increase capacity and cut costs through process standardisation
  • Assess the relevance for introducing automation into the DCs
  • Review the business case for bonding co-packing operation
  • Identified quick wins that would achieve c5% operating cost improvement and increase site capacities by c20%
  • Identified key process enablers to allow ongoing performance improvement
  • Demonstrated how capacity existed in the network to absorb the work from a closing a site, and supported analysis with a clear business case
  • Defined clearly the criteria required to gain value from automating operations, so avoiding significant immediate investment


New automated cash centres

financial services

New automated cash centres

Banque de France is the French pillar of the Euro system, the federal system that brings together the European Central Bank and the national central banks. They are the leading printer of euro banknotes and also ensures the monitoring of the quality of banknotes and coins and withdraws notes in poor condition with a network of about 60 cash centres.

Banque de France project consisted in building large automated cash centres near Paris and Lille in order to replace several traditional small cash centres.

« The modernisation of its cash operations, including the construction of two automated cash centres is one of the Banque de France’s top priorities »
Thierry Para, Director of the New Fiduciary Centres project

  • Conduct study of flows and processes, and definition of automation scenarios
  • Define target concept and MHE (AS/RS for pallets and boxes, palletising robots, AGVs)
  • Formalise the intralogistics program, in relation to the directions of cash activities and real estate
  • Assist in the commissioning of intralogistics system, staff training and start-up
  • Two new functioning and fully operational automated cash centres have replaced eight traditional cash centres, which are now closed
  • Elimination of logistical tasks, resulting in more efficient ways of working and improvements in working conditions
  • Removal of complex tasks, with significant productivity gains
  • Project awarded “Kings of the Supply Chain” in 2019 (Supply Chain Magazine)