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Le secteur de l’industrie et de la chimie

Tensions commerciales internationales, instabilités géopolitiques, Brexit en Europe… L’environnement économique actuel se caractérise par de fortes incertitudes. Par ailleurs, les attentes des consommateurs et des citoyens évoluent et les exigences réglementaires se complexifient.

Les défis que le secteur de l’industrie et de la chimie doit relever

La mondialisation et la digitalisation mettent sous tension les chaînes de valeur des acteurs de l’industrie. Ces derniers font face à une augmentation des exigences de leurs clients (qualité, contraintes environnementales…) couplée à la double nécessité d’innover et de se différencier. Autant d’enjeux incontournables pour conserver leur performance face à leurs concurrents historiques comme aux nouveaux entrants. Des mouvements de consolidation sont à l’œuvre dans le cadre d’une course à la taille critique afin de financer des investissements toujours plus importants.


Plus que jamais, le secteur industriel fait face à des enjeux de performance et de transformation majeurs, et doit s’adapter pour faire face à ces évolutions et ces incertitudes.

Le secteur industriel doit dégager des marges de manœuvre pour :

  • financer ses investissements ou des opérations de croissance externe
  • renforcer continuellement sa capacité d’innovation en termes de produits et services
  • maintenir des niveaux de performance économique en ligne avec leurs attentes

Pour y parvenir, les acteurs de l’industrie doivent maîtriser et optimiser leur performance opérationnelle sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur, depuis les fournisseurs jusqu’aux clients en passant par les fonctions supports. Avec l’appui d’un cabinet de conseil en industrie, l’ensemble de ces actions devrait notamment permettre un time to market compétitif par rapport à la concurrence.


Ce que notre cabinet de conseil peut faire pour vous permettre relever les défis liés au secteur de l’industrie

Argon & Co accompagne les acteurs de l’industrie dans l’amélioration de leur performance opérationnelle sur les dimensions suivantes.

Optimisation des processus clients et stratégie de service

  • Tarification
  • Facturation
  • Relation et service clients
  • Cycle de vie des contrats
  • Amélioration du cash-flow
  • Amélioration des taux de service
  • Développement multicanal et digital

Réduction des coûts

  • Optimisation des coûts d’achats directs et indirects
  • Variabilisation des coûts
  • Design to value sur les investissements industriels
  • Optimisation des shared services pour les fonctions support
  • Lean management

Accélération du time to market

Optimisation des processus

  • d’idéation
  • de développement
  • d’industrialisation
  • et de lancement de nouveaux produits et services

Optimisation du BFR et accélération des flux

  • Prévisions
  • Planification tactique et S&OP (Sales and Operating Planning)
  • Mise en place de politiques de stocks adaptées aux spécificités du secteur
  • Adéquation charge/capacité des ressources

Efficacité opérationnelle

  • Optimisation des organisations (rôles et responsabilités, effectifs)
  • Pilotage de la performance

Conduite du changement

Notre démarche

Notre cabinet de conseil en stratégie des opérations associe expertise technique, expérience opérationnelle et connaissances métier pour accompagner ses clients à résoudre les problèmes spécifiques au secteur de l’industrie et de la chimie et à obtenir des résultats durables. Notre démarche garantit l’adhésion à tous les niveaux de l’entreprise pour nos clients ainsi qu’un résultat pérenne. Nous avons accompagné un large éventail de clients dans le secteur de l’industrie et de la chimie, tels que Ferrovial Agroman, Essentra, ASSA ABLOY, AkzoNobel, Liberty OneSteel, Bouyer Leroux, Arkema, Orora Group, Johnson Matthey et Essilor. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.




Industrie & Chimie : études de cas

IBP implementation


IBP implementation

Liberty OneSteel is the only Australian manufacturer of structural steel and reinforcing products, and distributes them to 200 sites across the country.

With a new owner after 16 months in administration, the business urgently needed to review key business strategy and growth plans, and identify the priorities for change. The complex supply chain has multiple manufacturing sites and competing retail businesses, managed under different business units. This led to a culture of working in discrete silos and a lack of optimisation across the supply chain.

  • Project manage the design and implementation of the new IBP process
  • Project management of 6 stages in the roadmap; 1. mobilise, 2. design, 3. develop, 4. train, 5. pilot and 6. implement
  • Change management of all nine stages of the change wheel; 1. case for change, 2. stakeholders, 3. impacts, 4. communication, 5. organisation, 6. capabilities, 7. leadership and behaviours, 8. sustain and 9. benefits
  • Reduction in excess manned capacity of 3%
  • Reduction in lost sales of 2%
  • Price and profit optimisation resulting in EBITDA improvement of 4%
  • Signed off conceptual and detailed design for the new IBP process
  • Trained IBP teams and delivered a successful IBP go-live in October
  • Six monthly cycles of embedding IBP


Global capability development

international construction

Global capability development

Ferrovial Agroman is a civil engineering and construction company. Part of the wider Ferrovial Group, it delivers large-scale civil construction projects across the world, including motorways, railways and airports.

We had previously facilitated the development of a cultural transformation programme, and as part of this new programme the client wanted us to develop and deliver a series of coaching skills workshops to their global management teams.

  • Design and develop tailor-made learning and development materials for a series of interactive coaching workshops
  • Facilitate and deliver coaching skills workshops to Ferrovial Agroman employees across three continents
  • Create impactful take-away materials for attendees
  • Drive cross-hierarchical knowledge sharing and improved ways of working
  • Support cultural transformation by embedding a coaching culture within the organisation


  • Over 500 delegates in Europe, the Middle East and Australia trained through 24 workshops
  • High quality delegate take-away materials to facilitate delegate self-learning
  • Raised the profile of the cultural transformation programme
  • Created acceptance to change and development within organisation

Planning processes design

global packaging company

Planning processes design

Essentra plc is a FTSE 250 company and a leading global provider of essential components and solutions. Essentra focuses on the light manufacture and distribution of high volume, enabling components which serve customers in a wide variety of end markets and geographies.

Essentra needed to develop a standard repeatable planning operating model for a global implementation in markets with a focus on transitioning to an above site planning structure and changes in production strategy.

  • Assess the existing planning processes and capabilities
  • Develop a scalable planning operating model for global roll out with a change from site to market planning structure
  • Identify potential quick wins with detailed improvement actions
  • Develop the organisation structure, roles, responsibilities and capabilities required to support new processes
  • Develop the approach and implementation plan to support the transition to the new production strategy
  • Documented end to end planning processes from S&OP to material requirements planning and scheduling
  • Identified quick wins and areas for improvement with a clear implementation roadmap
  • Redesigned organisational structure with roles and responsibilities and required capabilities to support new processes
  • Identified global savings from changes in production strategy and developed an implementation plan

Logistics outsourcing

industrial manufacturer

Logistics outsourcing

ASSA ABLOY is the largest global supplier of intelligent lock and security solutions. One in every ten lock and security installations worldwide uses an ASSA ABLOY product. It is a global company with around 46,000 employees and annual sales close to €7.3 billion.

ASSA ABLOY’s Scandinavian market region is served from three DCs in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Following our support to define the ideal logistics network solution for Scandinavia, the client wanted to investigate the benefits of an outsourced logistics solution provided by a third party logistics contractor to maintain service levels, but at reduced operating costs.

  • Define the strategic issues and advise the Board on the business risks involved in this £30m+ contract
  • Create the RFI and a longlist of potential vendors
  • Manage a shortlist of vendors through the RFP and vendor selection (operating specifications, service levels, resource and cost templates)
  • Manage commercial and contract terms negotiation with the selected provider, including a final business case and implementation plan
  • 15% reduction in operating costs plus significant capital released from redundant client sites
  • Flexible contract to better match resources with volumes
  • Continuous improvement and gain share clauses to reduce costs and share in innovation and investments
  • 3PL management fee linked to performance
  • Operational KPIs and contract review meetings based on defined client/3PL contract governance procedures and structure

Knowledge management solution

global industrial

Knowledge management solution

AkzoNobel is a leading global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. It has three discrete business areas. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the company has over 47,000 employees worldwide and operates in 80 countries.

As processes are standardised across the business, the company was looking to manage knowledge centrally, allowing employees to self-assess their processes and access content quickly and easily to bridge any gaps in process maturity.

Our role

  • Customise the scprime® online process assessment tool for AkzoNobel
  • Conduct workshops and testing to ensure that content is customised and relevant to all business areas
  • Support the central team to develop a governance structure for the programme


  • A user friendly online assessment tool that generates reports with improvement actions linked directly to the relevant best practice process guides
  • A reporting dashboard for central functions showing process maturity across regions or business units
  • A sustainable way to track process improvements