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L’industrie automobile

L’industrie automobile a été l’un des secteurs les plus sévèrement touchés par la crise de 2008, avec des fermetures de sites et un gel des embauches. Après une brève embellie, le secteur est à nouveau entré dans une période de forte incertitude : effondrement des ventes des motorisations diesel, transition complexe vers les motorisations électriques et émergence des nouvelles mobilités (véhicules partagés, véhicules autonomes…) à l’échelle mondiale. Tout cela concourt à une inexorable baisse des ventes, certes, mais aussi à l’identification de nouveaux gisements de valeur.

Les défis pour l’industrie automobile

Ces bouleversements sont autant de défis de grande ampleur pour les constructeurs et les équipementiers. Des initiatives récentes, tel le rachat par Daimler de la compagnie française de VTC Kapten, ou encore le positionnement de Michelin sur les services de mobilité, témoignent de cette transition vers un futur de l’automobile porté par les nouvelles technologies.
L’impact sur les opérations est évidemment majeur. Pour les industriels, les enjeux sont nombreux :

  • La modification en profondeur de leur outil industriel
  • L’indispensable quête d’agilité d’un secteur traditionnellement focalisé sur les coûts et subissant d’énormes problèmes dus aux modifications rapides de capacité et de mix
  • La gestion des pièces de rechange, notamment les batteries électriques, dans un contexte d’économie circulaire

Ce que notre cabinet de conseil peut faire pour vous permettre relever les défis liés au secteur de l’automobile

Les consultants en industrie automobile d’Argon & Co accompagnent nos clients constructeurs et équipementiers dans la transformation de leurs opérations, en particulier sur la question de l’agilité, depuis l’évaluation des enjeux jusqu’à la mise en œuvre des leviers de performance.

Achats et optimisation de la supply chain amont

  • Stratégie de sourcing
  • Collaboration et performances fournisseurs
  • Réduction des délais d’approvisionnement grâce notamment au e-VSM (Value Stream Mapping)
  • Optimisation des stocks de composants et performance des approvisionnements

Stratégie industrielle

  • Optimisation du footprint et affectation des produits aux sites en modélisant l’incertitude de la demande
  • Prévision des ventes de véhicules et S&OP
  • Performance industrielle et lean management
  • Maintenance des infrastructures industrielles

Prévisions de vente véhicules et S&OP

  • Demand management
  • Multisite planning
  • Capacity planning and optimisation of the vehicle film
  • Scheduling optimisation
  • Management of synchronised flow
  • Just-in-time flow

Supply chain planning des usines terminales et des usines de composants

  • Gestion de la demande
  • Planification multisites
  • Capacity planning et optimisation du « film véhicule »
  • Optimisation des moyens de réordonnancement
  • Gestion des flux tendus et des flux synchrones

Performance industrielle et lean management

  • Maintenance des infrastructures industrielles

Optimisation de la logistique de distribution des véhicules

  • Suivi des flux grâce à l’IoT

Optimisation de la supply chain service et pièces de rechange

  • Stratégie de service et stratégie logistique
  • Optimisation des assortiments dans le réseau et prévisions de ventes intégrant des méthodes de machine learning
  • Supply chain planning
  • Réduction des stocks
  • Efficacité des processus logistiques transports et services d’entrepôt

Notre démarche

Notre cabinet de conseil en stratégie des opérations associe expertise technique, expérience opérationnelle et connaissance métier pour accompagner ses clients à résoudre les problèmes spécifiques au secteur de l’automobile et à obtenir des résultats durables. Notre démarche garantit l’adhésion à tous les niveaux de l’entreprise pour nos clients ainsi qu’un résultat pérenne. Nous avons déjà travaillé avec un large éventail d’industriels de l’automobile comme Michelin, le groupe PSA, Europcar, Autodistribution, Renault, Emile Frey, The Commercial Vehicle Business Unit (CVBU) de Tata Motors, Manheim Global Trader, Genuine Parts Company (GPC) et Avvashyacci. Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.

Automobile : études de cas

Spare parts distribution centre design


Spare parts distribution centre design

The Commercial Vehicle Business Unit (CVBU) of Tata Motors aims to double the current revenue of US$0.5 billion to US$1 billion over the next three to five years. The CVBU currently has four Distribution Centres across India. The Pune DC was identified as the first modernisation project to build a state of the art DC.

The issue was that space was running out in the current DC, there were mostly manual processes with mechanization, labour intensive packing processes and a major issue with inventory accuracy.

Our role

  • Design a DC to handle year 2020 volumes
  • Design a solution to incorporate the volumes from the slow moving parts DC
  • Identify the maximum volumes that the DC can support
  • Design a method to collect the item cubes for the purpose of calculating the storage cube (in the absence of cube data)
  • Evaluate appropriate automation for various processes


  • Developed a futuristic design along with detailed specs for MHEs, capex and opex requirements, electrical, lighting and CCTV layout
  • Design allowed use of existing storage system
  • Designed a batch-pick and sort (by Put-To-light) for processing of small item orders
  • Developed training materials and conducted “train the trainer” sessions

Increasing effectiveness in third party operations


Increasing effectiveness in third party operations

Manheim Global Trader handles all export activity for Manheim who is the world’s leading provider of vehicle remarketing services. Manheim registers nearly seven million used vehicles annually and facilitates transactions representing almost USD $46 billion in value.

The company wanted to expand into Europe, however understanding the EU used car market is not a simple exercise. This is caused by disparate data sources and different taxation and legal regulations in each EU member state.

Our role

  • Report market size and trends for the major EU member states by car attributes, purchase source and customer type
  • Provide insight on volumes moved within the EU and across its borders
  • Deliver information on regulation and taxation applicable to import and export of used cars between and out from EU member states


  • Comprehensive report on the EU used car market, with a focus on the major economies of Germany, Spain, UK, Italy and France
  • Insights on key vehicle characteristics in the EU based on in-depth data analysis
  • Connected the company with national vehicle registration authorities and organisations

Supply chain network

automotive parts

Supply chain network

Genuine Parts Company is an American service organization engaged in the distribution of automotive replacement parts, industrial replacement parts, office products and electrical/electronic materials. GPC is the parent company for Repco and Ashdown Ingram.

Repco operates in the Australasian markets. The Repco store network operates over 400 stores in Australia and New Zealand. Ashdown Ingram is a specialised parts dealer providing heavy and specialised parts. One of Ashdown Ingram’s key markets is mining. Argon & Co was engaged to review the national supply chain network.

Our role

  • Lead a national network review project
  • Review of sales growth and strategic planning
  • Develop a cost to serve model across each element of the supply chain and supplier base
  • Review potential for DC network optimisation
  • SKU range review
  • Productivity and systems review


  • Recommendations on a new network with a reduced footprint and costs, with sufficient room for growth via acquisition
  • Detailed warehouse design and build
  • Business case for new network and savings
  • Identification of system to support improved productivity
  • Roadmap for delivery

Finance transformation


Finance transformation

With revenues of €13bn, Emil Frey is the largest car dealer group in Europe.

To gain efficiency and effectiveness in finance and administrative processes, the company launched several initiatives in Finance.

Our role

  • Bring expertise in Finance transformation
  • Identify improvement levers, including digital levers
  • Conduct in-depth analysis of processes to evaluate the potential for RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and produce an implementation roadmap
  • Evaluate supplier invoice digitisation solutions and support design and implementation stages of the selected solution


  • Automation of F&A processes through RPA
  • Increase of efficiency, effectiveness and compliance of supplier invoice processing through the digitisation solution

Estimating labour for line feeding

tractor manufacturing

Estimating labour for line feeding

The company is a joint venture between an Indian company and a Swedish multinational commercial vehicle manufacturer. It has been operating since 2008. The company’s vision is to be recognized as the industry leader driving modernization in commercial transportation in India and the developing world.

Argon & Co supported the creation of a 3PL contract for managing the line feeding operations at one of India’s largest tractor manufacturers.

Our role

  • Estimate manpower required for various line feeding activities across the 200,000 square metre plant of India’s third largest tractor manufacturer
  • Isolate potential problems, changes in methods and revalidating defined scope of work for the 3PL proposal
  • Mark out a detailed flow of material within the different buildings and across buildings in the plant
  • Identify potential improvements in storage, systems and processes based on time studies


  • Using time studies and derived process rates, provided a model to predict manpower needed in the plant based on different production scenarios
  • Better methods that could potentially reduce 15-19% of time spent were identified
  • Changes suggested in storage methods could result in savings of 20-25% of the storage area
  • Identified and suggested additional simple system features to help improve operations