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Energy & Utilities

Le secteur de l’énergie vit une mutation sans précèdent avec la mobilisation d’une grande majorité de la communauté internationale contre le réchauffement climatique, l’évolution profonde des comportements des consommateurs et les progrès technologiques qui autorisent un ralentissement progressif de la consommation d’énergie dans le monde, substituant les énergies renouvelables aux énergies fossiles.

Les défis du secteur Energy & Utilities

Dans le domaine des services (utilities), l’urbanisation, la croissance démographique et le changement climatique nécessitent de lourds investissements de la part du secteur privé pour moderniser des infrastructures vieillissantes tout en garantissant un service de qualité.

Évoluant dans un secteur hautement capitalistique, mouvant et mondialisé, les grands acteurs internationaux de l’énergie doivent préparer leur mutation industrielle (innovation, nouveaux business model, diversification) tout en renforçant l’efficacité de leurs opérations, et ce, alors même que l’accès aux ressources est de plus en plus difficile. Dans ce contexte, le soutien d’un cabinet de conseil en énergie et services peut s’avérer un atout de choix.

Dans les secteurs B to C, la maîtrise des investissements et l’excellence opérationnelle sont clés. Par ailleurs, la révolution digitale est un enjeu majeur pour tirer parti des opportunités offertes par l’évolution des business models et pour améliorer la productivité des opérations.

Ce que notre cabinet de conseil peut faire pour vous permettre relever les défis liés au secteur de l’énergie et des services

Expert en conseil en energy & utilities, Argon & Co accompagne les clients du secteur de l’énergie et des services dans l’amélioration de leur performance opérationnelle sur les dimensions suivantes :

Réduction des coûts

  • Optimisation des coûts d’achat directs et indirects
  • Variabilisation des coûts
  • Design to cost sur les investissements industriels
  • Optimisation des shared services sur les fonctions support

Amélioration de la disponibilité des installations et des équipements

  • Asset management
  • Optimisation des processus de maintenance
  • Optimisation des stocks de pièces de maintenance détachées pour garantir la disponibilité
  • Optimisation des parcs d’équipements mobiles

Optimisation du cash

  • Planification tactique et S&OP
  • Mise en place de politiques de stocks adaptées aux spécificités du secteur

Optimisation des processus clients

  • Pricing
  • Cycle de vie des contrats
  • Facturation
  • Amélioration des flux de trésorerie
  • Relation et service clients
  • Développement multicanal et digital

Efficacité opérationnelle

  • Prévisions
  • Pilotage adéquation charges/capacités des ressources
  • Optimisation des organisations (rôles et responsabilités, effectifs)
  • Pilotage de la performance
  • Optimisation des équipes mobiles (field services)
  • Shared services

Conduite du changement et de la transformation

Nos spécialistes du conseil en énergie interviennent à la fois sur les parties amont (accès aux ressources, exploration–production) et aval (transformation, distribution, commercialisation, services) de cette chaîne de valeur.

Notre démarche

Notre cabinet de conseil enstratégie des opérations associe expertise technique, expérience opérationnelle et connaissances métier pour accompagner ses clients à résoudre les problèmes spécifiques au secteur de Energy & Utilities et à obtenir des résultats durables. Notre démarche garantit l’adhésion à tous les niveaux de l’entreprise pour nos clients ainsi qu’un résultat pérenne. Nous avons déjà travaillé avec un large éventail d’acteurs du secteur Energy & Utilities comme Reliance Worldwide Corporation, Gaz Réseau Distribution France (GRDF), ENGIE, Drax, SUEZ, EDF, Schlumberger, GRT gaz et Veolia. Cliquer ici pour en savoir plus.




Energy & Utilities : études de cas

Value creation design

environmental utilities

Value creation design

With a turnover of 17.3 billion euros and 89,000 employees, the Suez Group is a world leader in the environmental market (water and waste).

Treatment Infrastructures (Suez TI) is one of the group’s business lines. It covers the engineering, design and construction of water treatment plants.

In order to propose competitive offers, Suez TI wished to make savings on a dozen identified « products » and to anchor the Design to Value culture in the company.

Our role

  • To improve competitiveness of the products studied by 15 to 30%, depending on their maturity
  • Deploy a proven approach, based on cross-functional team brainstorms, to challenge practices and identify new, more economical design ideas
  • Accelerate decision making on the implementation of identified opportunities
  • Perpetuate the approach through the writing of a DTV methodological guide Suez TI and training/ coaching of the teams


  • Five products studied incorporating four wastewater treatment plants and a reverse osmosis plant
  • 90 interviews conducted with all key players in France, Spain and Middle East in three languages
  • 18 brainstorming sessions resulting in 600 collected ideas >50 pre-selected opportunities in five months
  • An average of 25% savings identified on each product
  • Five Suez TI staff trained to be self-sufficient to continue deployment of methodology

Supply chain stabilisation

global plumbing manufacturer

Supply chain stabilisation

Reliance Worldwide Corporation is global water technology business. Its activities include the design, manufacture and distribution of branded water flow and control products, and solutions for the plumbing industry.

RWC Asia Pacific needed to stabilise operational performance post a poor SAP implementation and to set supply chain foundations in place to launch a S&OP process in line with global standards.

Our role

  • Provide interim supply chain leadership and management
  • Address current service performance issues through crisis remediation and service stabilisation activities
  • Assess the effectiveness of the current supply chain process model vs best practice and work with the team to understand process, people and system capability gaps and needs
  • Drive process and systems change through the global support group


  • Addressed current service performance issues through crisis remediation and service stabilization activities, reducing back orders by 75%
  • Assessed the effectiveness of the current supply chain process model vs best practice, identifying team, process and ERP template improvements
  • Delivered a new supply chain operating model and team to enable more reliable and responsive business performance
  • Launched a new introductory S&OP Process

Make or buy strategy

industrial and chemical

Make or buy strategy

Gaz Réseau Distribution France (GRDF) is a French gas provider. It is the largest natural gas provider in France and Europe. It is a subsidiary owned by Engie, with more than 10,000 employees and a turnover of €3.5m

The development of its biomethane activities led GRDF to rethink its make or buy strategy regards to all the activities linked with the biomethane injection unit, eg. the conception, manufacturing, exploitation and maintenance of a unit.

Our role

  • To map all the detailed activities linked with biomethane injection through a series of interviews
  • Define the company’s strategic interests and analyse each activity against it
  • Evaluate the internal competition for each activity by analysing the market competitiveness against GRDFs via an RFI
  • Validate make or buy scenarios and calculate the associated savings


  • A mapping of 70 activities analysed against nine strategic interests and four competitive criteria
  • Analysed the markets competitiveness based on 15 suppliers’ answers
  • Delivered a presentation of three major make or buy scenarios, and a risk analysis for each one
  • Created two roadmaps, an €8.5m return on investment estimated at the end of 2023 for exploitation/maintenance activities, and savings of 20% on the NRC for conception activities

Design to value approach

energy distribution

Design to value approach

The client is a global leader in energy, specialised in designing, developing, operating and maintaining heating and cooling systems for buildings.

Due to high price competition of autonomous solutions and strong constraints on public image, the client launched a Design to Value project on substations and networks to reduce total cost of ownership and lead time.

Our role

  • Bring expertise, know-how and methodological support to implement the Design to Value approach
  • Define project baseline: cost model, functional analysis, joint team onboarding
  • Prepare and facilitate brainstorming workshops to identify top priorities opportunities and benchmarks
  • Develop project plans for key opportunities and overall roadmap to be validated in the Steering Committee


  • Total cost of ownership reduction of 15% of the whole system
  • Reduction of network creation lead time by 25%
  • Service offering refinement according to new client segmentation
  • Change management dynamics with more than 40 persons
  • Methodological Design To Value handbook build-up and training of the team in a “training by doing” logic

RFP for planning and optimisation system


RFP for planning and optimisation system

Drax is the largest power station in the UK and generates seven to eight percent of the UK’s electricity.

Drax wanted to put advanced planning processes and systems in place to optimise their planning processes. A Request for Information (RFI) carried out had created a shortlist of suppliers.

Our role

  • Provide an independent and impartial evaluation of the suppliers, including reference visits where relevant
  • Ensure suppliers have a detailed understanding of the requirements to develop feasible project plans and fixed price responses
  • Develop a prioritised list of detailed requirements for the RFP that focused on benefits


  • Selected a supplier that met all functionality requirements within timelines, maximising first year benefits
  • Competitive fixed price bids due to suppliers’ view of reduced project risk
  • Over 10% improvement on initial offer through focused negotiations
  • Deferred licencing and support costs, which made up 68% of the year 1 costs until after go-live