Introduction and challenges
Manufacturing organisations are constantly subject to ever higher demands from their customers, and they must continuously adapt to their dynamically changing environment. Manufacturing flexibility and agility is dependent on maximising availability of production assets and thereafter optimising production planning and execution.
TPM (total productive maintenance) is the process of using machines, equipment, employees, and supporting processes and technologies to maintain and improve the performance of production assets and quality systems.
It is a data-driven approach to identifying optimum asset operating performance then identifying, analysing and addressing causes that negatively impact that condition, and allows an organisation to shift from a reactive to a proactive approach to managing asset performance. It is underpinned by a human-centric approach and leverages established Japanese manufacturing techniques such as Kaizen and 5S to drive significant performance improvements.
How we can help
We combine our well established and proven approach to TPM with emerging Industry 4.0 and data analytics tools and techniques to deliver significant performance improvements at our clients’ production facilities. A selection of our consultants have received training from the JIPM (Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance) and JMAC (Japan Management Association Consultants) in Toyota factories in Japan.
Argon & Co can support clients in the deployment of TPM by:
- Creating an end-to-end holistic approach to TPM covering both technical and human aspects
- Assessing an approach already being deployed, to revitalise it, create incremental potential and accelerate quantified benefits
- Focusing on one or more of the pillars such as autonomous maintenance or preventive maintenance
- Reinforcing specific topics related to performance such as cost optimisation and productivity, through an appropriate maintenance policy, or implementing a predictive maintenance programme
- Facilitating practical shop floor activities such as 5S (organise, clean, order, standardise and sustain assets)
- Leveraging the latest data analysis methodologies and Industry 4.0 tools and techniques