151Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [element_id] => 30311 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [element_id] => 151 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [element_id] => 1517 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [element_id] => 5310 ) )

Introduction and challenges

In a context of increased customer service expectations, rethinking service strategy is a key lever to develop market share whilst controlling profitability. However, it is often insufficiently exploited due to the difficulty of aligning trade and operations with a target vision that supports the strategic ambitions of general management.

Companies generally face three service strategy challenges:

  1. How to improve their competitive position through service in the face of multiple and heterogeneous customers whose service needs are difficult to identify?
  2. How to increase the perceived quality of service while controlling and optimising cost and inventory levels?
  3. What strategy to adopt on e-commerce? What are the risks and opportunities involved in direct access to consumers? What service offers should be proposed? What are the opportunities provided by multi-company orchestration platforms? What network of partners should be set up? What is the impact on existing operations?

How we can help 

  • Analysis and segmentation of customer needs to establish a clear and factual vision of their expectations through surveys, visits, benchmarks and an assessment of the impact of service on their value chain
  • Proposal of potential service offers and evaluation of the impact on cost/inventory/service performance through end to end modelling of the supply chain
  • Leading and managing a cross-functional approach involving the management of the marketing, sales and operations departments to build a service strategy that meets the company’s strategic challenges
  • Alignment of teams with the strategic vision through a communication plan and engagement events
  • Definition of the evolutions of the supply chain models and the distribution network to allow an efficient implementation of the service strategy
  • Structuring and support of the company’s transformation to implement the strategy: changes in governance and organisational models, design and implementation of new demand management and supply chain management processes