Why your Data Lab is a key ally on the road to a truly agile and efficient Supply Chain ?
Discover the new white paper from IRIS by Argon & Co: Data Science for Supply Chain

Introduction :
It seems obvious that Data is one of the foundations of Supply Chain Management : as the basic component of the Information flow, Data itself is a part of the very definition of Supply Chains : global networks used to deliver goods and services through engineered flows of information, physical goods and cash (source : APICS)

From Master Data driving ERP software to real-time IoT streams enabling fine grain tracking and optimization, Data is omnipresent when dealing with Supply Chain processes. However, the abundant information is not always leveraged to actually improve the overall flow. Often locked away in specialized software, siloed between departments of the same company or simply not made accessible to business practitioners, the premise of a data-driven Supply Chain falls short of expectations. At IRIS by Argon & Co, we help our clients to build high-performing global Supply Chains by leveraging the power and benefits of Data Science techniques and tools, combined with a transformational mindset of processes and organization […].

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IRIS by Argon & Co : Data Science for Supply Chain

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