Each month we curate several articles we find interesting in our industry. Our internal list might consist of 20-30 pieces about supply chain, logistics, facilities design, and management but we’ll select down to pick some each month to highlight for you.

  1. Forbes article:  Using Technology To Create Safe And Ethical Retail Supply Chains – a look at the collapse of a building in Bangladesh in 2013.
  2. Four sites in particular—central and southern Indiana, Los Angeles County, northern Illinois, and southwest Missouri—have proven that they have what it takes to become and, more importantly, remain a great logistics site.
  3. Top 10 U.S. Container Ports (California ports #1 and #2).
  4. Four sites in particular—central and southern Indiana, Los Angeles County, northern Illinois, and southwest Missouri—have proven that they have what it takes to become and, more importantly, remain a great logistics site.
  5. Tips for fine-tuning a warehouse layout.

As of September 8, 2020, Crimson & Co (formerly The Progress Group/TPG) has rebranded as Argon & Co following the successful merger with Argon Consulting in April 2018. 

Bruce Strahan

[email protected]

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