When getting back to the office (or not) becomes headline news, its unsurprising that companies are turning their attention to the future of workplace culture.

Cat Brownlie, Head of Transformation – UK, joined an illustrious panel of design and architectural experts this week to add a ‘managing change’ perspective, at an event hosted by Teknion as part of Clerkenwell Design Week.

Themes discussed included the challenges and benefits of remote working, creating meaningful connections with purpose and the impact of shifting operating model designs as a result technology enabled flexibility. The panel were clear that Covid created a seismic shift in our understanding of what ‘normal’ working practices are and working culture (and particularly ‘the office’) will never be the same again.

The panel discussed workplace trends and how to build a collaborative and connected culture whilst adopting hybrid working, and understanding what employees actually want from a post covid workplace.

Delivering clear communications, and clarity on the strategy of the business is another key theme observed in a post-covid world – how do you ensure engaging, two-way communication, and recreate those ‘water cooler’ moments where often golden insights are shared?

Finally, they discussed how businesses can leverage technology to increase global reach, including ensuring capabilities are built to support the new ways of working and ensuring ‘digital wellbeing’ to minimise the negative impact of the ‘always on’ culture.

Design needs to support these fundamental shifts towards the workplace of the future, and employers have challenges and opportunities ahead to create inspiring environments that employees want to be part of, and successfully manage the change within the organisation.


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