Last Week, Argon & Co New Zealand held our first ever Networking Breakfast, right in the heart of Auckland.

The morning was filled with inspirational and forward-looking discussions as we delved deep into the future of sustainable productivity.

Argon & Co Leadership team members including Ian Walsh, Partner New Zealand and Chris Foord, Associate Partner New Zealand were joined by industry expert panel members who explored the future of sustainable productivity, focussing on the below key areas:

  • Circular economy integration: How can businesses adopt circular economy principles within their supply chains to enhance both sustainability and productivity?
  • Supplier collaboration for sustainability: Discuss the importance of collaboration and partnerships with suppliers to drive sustainable practices and improve overall supply chain efficiency.
  • Navigating post-covid supply chain disruptions: How have the supply chain disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped the way businesses approach risk management, and what innovative approaches are being employed to enhance supply chain resilience in the face of future disruptions?
  • Resilience and risk management: Address the relationship between supply chain sustainability efforts and risk reduction, especially in the face of climate change and other global disruptions.
  • Sustainable innovation challenges: Address the potential challenges and barriers that companies face when implementing sustainability-focused changes in their supply chains, and how to overcome them.
  • Scaling up successful initiatives: Discuss strategies for scaling up successful sustainability initiatives from individual supply chains to industry-wide adoption, considering scalability challenges and solutions.
  • Reskilling and upskilling – Discuss the importance of training and development to equip the workforce with the skills needed for sustainable and productive practices.
  • Harnessing digital technology for dual impact: How Can Organisations Leverage Technology to Enhance Productivity and Advance Sustainability Goals?

Ian Walsh, Partner New Zealand, comments, “A great morning with some new perspectives provided on sustainable productivity and lots of new connections made. A valuable investment of a couple of hours on a Friday morning, looking forward to the next one.”

Chris Foord, Associate Partner New Zealand, comments, “It was great to launch our NZ networking breakfast series with a fantastic event in Auckland. The energy in the room and the connections made were rich as we explored the important topic of sustainable productivity.”

The event was a great opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and network with experts in the field. Stay tuned for our next New Zealand Breakfast event which we are planning to host in March next year.

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