Our Associate Director, Jon Gibson, recently spoke at the SCIP Networking event, hosted by WMG. The topic of the event was ‘Harnessing the potential of Industry 4.0; How ready are you?’

Originating in Germany, the term Industry 4.0 refers to the high-tech strategy that their Government sought to redefine the role of manufacturing, post the global economic downturn. It suggests that we are on the cusp of the fourth Industrial Revolution: a cyber-physical age that will be realised over the next 20 years.

It is driven by a requirement for shorter time to market, increased flexibility, greater asset efficiency and improved productivity. It has the potential to enable incremental improvement of existing business processes, or a more transformational impact through the creation of new business models.

Participants were asked to take part in a short survey to help understand the readiness of industry to embrace the opportunities of the cyber-physical age. The initial study findings were discussed at this SCiP networking event, which included invited guest speakers Jonathan Gibson, Crimson and Co and Cerys Wyn Davies, Pinsent Masons LLP, who gave their views on the Strategic and Organisation and Legal Perspectives of Inudstry 4.0, respectively.

The event presentations and recordings are available to download here

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