Stuart Williamson takes a fresh look at maximizing the chance of success by understanding the common areas of risk on change journeys.

Engaging a diverse organization to embrace change is daunting. Leading that change as the head of a business can be a lonely task, yet leadership is precisely what is needed to maximize the chance of success. Nearly two decades of helping leaders to drive change has given Argon & Co insight into the characteristics of successful transformations. It is common to try to minimize the risk of failure, but the best transformations are those that focus on maximizing the chance of success.

In the report, we take a close look at our own experiences and what leading thinkers have to say about the drivers for transformational change. We also look at the critical get rights to succeeding, and the reasons for failing to achieve objectives.







The Progress Group (TPG) and Crimson & Co NA are now Argon & Co as of September 9, 2020.

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