Argon & Co is pleased to announce that Thad Taylor has been named Partner out of its Chicago-based location. He was named Associate Partner in April of last year and his promotion is the result of the unprecedented growth of a founding office within the Argon & Co organization.
Since commencing operations in the spring of last year, Thad has led the Argon & Co Chicago practice to exceed revenue and client engagement projections. Presently, the Chicago team consists of experienced transformation and implementation consultants residing predominantly in the greater Chicago area. This high-capability U.S. team will grow continually keeping pace with Argon & Co’s diverse client base.
Along with the successes of Thad’s business development, client services delivery and talent recruitment come the announcement of a permanent new home for Argon & Co’s U.S. presence. Argon & Co has invested in a new office headquartered in Naperville, IL to instill a foundation for interpersonal collaboration and client delivery.
Thad states, “Naperville is an impressive and growing business district with easy access to downtown Chicago and other commercial locales; the city’s attributes compliment Argon & Co’s culture.”