This week we have read stories of fantastic progress within the supply chain industries. You will see some key players are keeping their name in the headlines, but we also laud the movers and shakers still in school.

I. Amazon seems to be dipping their toe into the shipping industry. According to Business Insider, “While Amazon doesn’t actually own any ships itself, it has started reserving space on ocean vessels and acting as a global freight operator and logistics organizer.” Joining the shipping world seems to be the next step for a company that already has its own fleet of delivery trucks and branded cargo planes.

II. Microsoft has unveiled it’s new Project Manifest. Coindesk has an in-depth look at this project and how it could help track projects as they move around the world.

“Project Manifest leverages the startup’s widely used Internet of Things (IoT) platform, which is currently being integrated with the ethereum blockchain to help factories, distribution centers and retailers track goods using radio frequency identification (RFID) devices.”

III. Have some feelings about the TPP? You aren’t the only one. However, the Harvard Business Review would like to urge you not to cry for the TPP. This piece by a top economic advisor has some pragmatic suggestions.

“But there is no cause for tears or grounds for fear. The TPP was a mistake. There was never anything there. Although advertised as trans-Pacific, about 500 million of the 750 million people living in countries to be covered by the deal were in the Americas — Canada, the United States, Mexico, Peru, and Chile — and were already party to interlocking free trade agreements.”

IV. Have you taken a look at the supply chain programs being offered at some of our top universities? This article spotlights Western Michigan University, who is currently ranked 2nd on a listing of the top 100 universities for supply chain talent. (Their rival, Michigan State University, bested them for 1st.) The program includes focus on customer relationship management; governance; lean continuous improvement, including validating students as Lean Six Sigma Green Belts; risk and change management; new product development and commercialization; sustainability; technology; the functional activities of purchasing, operations and logistics; and many other areas.

Image Credit: WMU

As of September 8, 2020, Crimson & Co (formerly The Progress Group/TPG) has rebranded as Argon & Co following the successful merger with Argon Consulting in April 2018. 

Bruce Strahan

[email protected]

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