Global Supply Chain Digitization. Supply Chain News 24/7 has a report that links to a paper on digitization from Logistics Management. They have an infographic that lays out the steps to consider. The link for the Logistics management report only requires your information.
Familiar with blockchain technology yet? We recently shared a white paper written by Jeff Calvert, Shalini Coutinho and Steve Mulaik that explains the fundamentals of blockchain for supply chain. Simply download the white paper here!
Interested in a master’s degree in supply chain management? Occasionally, we like to share resources for education options (like here) in our industry and here is a list from July we missed sharing! It is from CIO and includes their list for the “10 best graduate programs” for supply chain management. It includes schools across the country including Rutgers University, University of San Diego and the University of South Carolina.
* Photo courtesy of Supply Chain News 24/7 (website screenshot)
As of September 8, 2020, Crimson & Co (formerly The Progress Group/TPG) has rebranded as Argon & Co following the successful merger with Argon Consulting in April 2018.