We’re working on several pieces for the blog including a series on lean warehousing. We hope you’ll check back in the coming weeks as we share more of our knowledge.

  • We know a lot about eCommerce, so we’re always interested to read about surveys that have come out. Inbound Logistics reports that “Peoplevox’s “The 2017 E-Commerce Fulfillment Report” found sales of 82% of the e-commerce and multichannel businesses taking part had increased in 2016, with only 6% reporting a decrease in orders. While many voiced concerns over increasing competition, Brexit and currency fluctuations, the majority (88%) expected a further increase in orders during 2017. ” Apparently there are “growing pains” in eCommerce fulfillment. We’ve recently talked about how to scale (or fail) in eCommerce warehousing (enjoy a downloadable whitepaper about it by simply entering your contact information.
  • We’re talking robots these days in a recent report of Amazon testing the efficiency of robots on the line. In this article they address the miles of robot assisted conveyor belts in Tracy, California and the potential fallout for jobs. The discussion here lends to the belief that robots and employees can work side-by-side.
  • Big news for our home state when old Kmart space is now a fulfillment center for Variety Wholesale. The area they are using is the equivalent of 29 football fields. They have over 300 employees and supply 35 stores.

As of September 8, 2020, Crimson & Co (formerly The Progress Group/TPG) has rebranded as Argon & Co following the successful merger with Argon Consulting in April 2018. 

Bruce Strahan

[email protected]

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