It was a busy week for us, because of work, but also because some of our team members attended and spoke at the Operations Summit (or #OpsSummit on Twitter.)
I. Just last night a traffic disaster happened in our city of Atlanta when a fire under a highway bridge caused the collapsing of a small section of one of the major interstates – I-85, which goes north to south through the city. The GA DOT worked on plans overnight to address how traffic will flow – both city traffic and traffic that users our outer interstate system. Transport obviously touches our business, and we know there will be concern for many of our clients today and in the weeks ahead. Partner Paul Huppertz said, “The diverted traffic is likely to cause more traffic onto I-285, so transit times will suffer even for truckers trying to bypass.” (Updated to add DOT map)
II. Remember when we talked about partner Steve Mulaik’s informal test on people and performance? Here’s a free webinar from Industry Week, Put Your Labor to Work: Unlock Improvements in Manufacturing, just register and it’s free. It promises to cover advanced analytics on employee performance and best practices, make decisions that drive savings and understand how long-term success can be achieved.
III. We’ve been interested in Amazon’s brick and mortar store goals for while, along with their cashierless store plan, but it seems there are delays, and their location in Seattle, WA will not be opened as scheduled the end of this month, as reported by WSJ, “Amazon Go testing started at a mock-up store in a warehouse in the SoDo neighborhood in Seattle before the first store’s beta opening on the ground floor of an Amazon building. Employees served as the guinea pigs for the technology, which relies on video streaming and computer vision algorithms to process images in real-time, along with sensors, identifying customers and tracking them—and the items they grab—throughout the store.”
To test the concept, Amazon put a beta location in their office and it served Amazon employees. That’s a very nice company perk!
Operations Summit 2017
IV. This week two of our partners, Steve Mulaik and Paul Huppertz, presented and moderated panels and round-table discussions at the Operations Summit (below, Paul). More next week about that conference including links to some informal videos of the presentations. We’re also headed to ProMat 2017, from April 3-6, so hope to see some of you there!
As of September 8, 2020, Crimson & Co (formerly The Progress Group/TPG) has rebranded as Argon & Co following the successful merger with Argon Consulting in April 2018.