We hope our clients and business associates and (and everyone else, too) are safe during this weather in in Texas and Florida and the surrounding areas. Just like with hurricane Harvey, Irma is promising devastation. We are hopeful first responders are prepared and have what they need to help people as well as stay safe themselves. At times like this, it’s hard to share articles about our industry when so many people in Texas are suffering and those in the path of Irma may be suffering soon… so
As always with disasters, people come to the assistance with others and there are many stories coming out of Texas and there will be more to come in the coming days. There was a special story about how a Gallery Furniture store owner turned his stores and warehouses into shelters for Texans and their animals and their delivery trucks into pick up vehicles for people in trouble needing transportation…in most cases to his stores! Enjoy this story about the goodness in people and the resiliency in the face of great sorrow and tragedy.
Stay safe!
As of September 8, 2020, Crimson & Co (formerly The Progress Group/TPG) has rebranded as Argon & Co following the successful merger with Argon Consulting in April 2018.